Fiction eBook packages direct from the author: ePUBs & KF8
Over the past few years I’ve gotten increasingly frustrated by ebooks. I buy them and they are limited to a certain ereader. In addition, I find that I do not own them. They’re in the cloud somewhere and I am just leasing the books I’ve supposedly bought.
Now you can own your ebooks!
Radiqx Press is selling all of our books in a zipped package, sent to you by email, from this site only. The package contains DRM-free ebooks, both ePUB and KF8 (Kindle Fire) with embedded fonts. You can read them in any reader that will accept them. The ePUBs can be read on any Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 reader. This includes Nook, and as far as I know Kobo and Sony. They will show the embedded fonts. You can also open them in iBooks, but it will not show you the fonts. So, if you are sure you will be reading only in iBooks, go to their store. However, iBooks is only on the iPad and the iPad has the BlueFire reader which works well.
Here are the two fiction books we are offering so far:
Daniel’s Mighty Men
I really wanted to write a story about warriors defending our country who are committed believers.
- Why do we have no teachings on David’s mighty men?
- Why do we never hear about the battle winning acts of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, as prophesied by Deborah?
- Why are all the Old Testament battles glossed over?
- Why do we not hear about Jesus’ return with a rod of iron to beat the nations into order?
God is not outside the realities of this world we live in. It may be ruled by the prince of the power of the air for a little while yet, but the outcome is determined by the One whom we serve. Most good is still done through and by His children. Our world has changed. The spectacular events like 9/11, the Gulf Wars, Al Qaeda, the near Depression of 2009, et al have covered the insidiousness of our real enemies: comfort, complacency, political correctness, and the unwillingness of elected officials to recognize evil—or to even acknowledge its existence. In the midst of all of this, individual warriors have become more important as war becomes unthinkable and politically hazardous—not because of nuclear annihilation, but as the natural result of soft warm fuzzy thinking that fights death penalties, interrogation, responsibility, patriotism, and honor.
The scary thing to me is that the events of this book could actually happen…not because of political will but due to an ostrich-like apathy—we just have to get along. The East Coast elite have no idea this is even happening—& don’t seem to care. Life in the Flyover remains hidden from them. The daily realities out here are much different than what we see and hear on TV and the Web.But mainly, it is just a fun story. I hope you enjoy it.
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