Review: Secrets of Gwenla, lyrical allegory I liked! What a concept!
I strongly dislike lyrical prose, allegory, and poetry.
But this one got to me.
It may be that it brought me back to a lot of what I have experienced with the church as a religious organization. The story is eloquent about how religious rigidity stifles the flow of the Holy Spirit. Rare is the church which does not boot the Holy Spirit out in the name of safety and the maintenance of the illusion of control. As if we could, or would even want to, control God. But that’s the absurdity which has become the norm in the modern, institutional, seeker-sensitive, politically correct church of the 21st century.
This is a story of love, faith, and courage in the face of severe trial. It’s the essence of the tribulation the Lord promised us. Laurie tells us in the back matter that this book took a long time to birth. I’m not surprised. It was worth the effort. You should read this one.
She gifted me a copy for review. As you know I don’t hesitate to give bad reviews where they are deserved. For this one, I’m glad I got the opportunity to read it.