Daniel's Mighty Men brings Godly warriors into modern stories of the LordDaniel’s Mighty Men brings Godly warriors into everyday life. These are men and women who love the Lord serving Him by helping governments do what’s right. They work much as the mighty men did for King David—doing what the King requires with little thought to their personal comfort or safety.

Christian Warriors?

Give me a break!

Surely I cannot be saying that there are Christians who could be black ops covert warriors. But yes, that’s what I’m saying. In fact, I’m sure there must be some of them as the Lord has His sheep spread like salt throughout the earth. Now there are certainly no Christian porn workers or porn movie producers, but warriors? Of course there are.

David’s mighty men are given good coverage in the Bible. In 2 Samuel 22 and 1 Chronicles 11, David’s mighty men did amazing feats. They snuck David water from the center of the enemy camp after David vaguely wished for it.

Abishai, the brother of Joab, was the leader of the Thirty. He once used his spear to kill 300 enemy warriors in a single battle. It was by such feats that he became as famous as the Three. [1 Chron 11:20 NLT]

Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter. [2 Sam 23:8 NIV]

These were supernaturally anointed warriors. But that begs the question:

How would Christian warriors act?

They would do their work with love, care, prayer, and guidance from the Holy Spirit, of course. This book is written by a believer with decades of experience in hearing from the Lord in very trying circumstances. You will be immersed in Christian living at a level most people never experience. Do you feel the need to hear from the Lord on a regular basis for practical guidance in daily living? This novel will show you how to do that.

The scenario may seem extreme, but only if you have not lived in New Mexico [since the 1960s]. Radical Mexicans get the money, supplies, training, and leadership they need—to do what they have been talking about since the mid-20th century, at least. The invasion comes suddenly on Cinco de Mayo. The burden of repelling the invaders and saving the union falls on Senator Daniel Aragon, the presidential candidate with the character to do what Washington shockingly refuses to allow. The Lord gives the authority and provides the warriors. How will it all work out? What’s His plan?

It’s a fun read, with real spiritual training and discipleship at its core. There’s a lot of action and it’s a bit edgy (to use an old term), but these aren’t trigger-happy cowboys shootin’ up the range. They are warriors led by a former CIA assassin who’s now a spirit-filled pastor. In Washington, experience a situation room meeting of horror and one led by the Spirit of God. A Godly political leader? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Daniel’s Mighty Men brings Godly warriors to a modern technothriller with no pretensions

Sure Clancy, Cussler, Thor, Flynn, Baldacci, and many more non-believing authors form large portions of the reading foundation brought to these tales. Story-driven fiction focuses on the events. However, complex characters, detailed descriptions, a skosh of humor, and all the rest make up the body of the books.

Mainly, this is spirit-filled fiction directed at the reality of true believers within the military, intelligence, and covert ops communities. This common background of modern technothrillers, political thrillers, and military thrillers serves to point out how the reality of spirit-filled living can work within these environs.

Daniel’s Mighty Men

From New Mexico, the land of enchantment, and its history of mighty men comes a modern tale of conflict

Daniel’s Mighty Men reveals godly warriors!

It’s been released to Amazon. Read it free on Kindle Unlimited. Print Link for the full-color commemorative book.

The Lord places those He wants in power—sometimes we get what we deserve. We step back in time, as the US Government wanders off on its own recognizance, at the end of Dubya’s presidency. The result was a president who looked the part, who made inclusive diversity despicable.

At 6’4”, 67 years old, with a wavy grey mane, elegantly styled, President Milton Worley always looked thin, sleek, and fashionable. He normally wore an obviously expensive, hand-tailored navy-blue suit with barely visible pinstripes, a white on white shirt, and a gorgeous red power tie with stripes of minuscule electric blue dots. He was swept into office on the emotional tidal wave caused by the death of his well loved wife—crushed to death in her car by a drunk driver a few weeks before the election.

South of Albuquerque, Valencia county is being overrun by sleek powerful trucks with Chihuahuan plates. They are a complete mystery, but they are certainly not driven by the ordinary poor farmers from Northern Mexico. The men look like rich touristas. The trucks all have small decals that look like a stylized A in the shape of an Aztec pyramid.

Deborah Stones Stoner is a black-ops warrior recovering from a bad gut shot received in Afghanistan—almost killed by the poor care in the Jalalabad hospital. She’s concerned that her career might be over, until she gets involved with three of the drivers of those new black trucks who are beating a young Anglo to death—seemingly for sport. Her career has come back to claim her, and she badly needs to get in shape.

She turns to her parents. Her stepfather is a gunsmith and weapons designer for the US Intelligence spec-op warriors. Her mother was a legendary CIA assassin who quit because of all the lies. She’s now an anointed pastor for a non-denominational flock down in the Valley. Then things start to get interesting.

This second edition, takes the book back to the original name and configuration. I had followed advice about the book being too large, and its need to be split up into a three book series. I’m now convinced that was a mistake.

The story steps into alternative history before the election of 2008—back when the world was still relatively simple. But this tale is a fun ride with a lot of good living to share with you. I trust you’ll enjoy the read.

These tales edify as they entertain, that’s a good thing

That’s their purpose and reason for being. But you’ll find no preaching, bible-bashing, or self-righteousness. These are men and women who know where they came from, what they’ve been forgiven, and how grateful they are for the help and guidance of the Lord, the Holy Spirit. Tales of Mighty Men brings Godly warriors into a reality you may not have imagined. Some questions raised can change your life [if they haven’t already]. It is war, so some things are bit edgy. But for mature believers, these tales bring us a romp, a time of refreshing, from our current world of absolute madness.