Reality Calling bookstore Russ Scalzo writes political thrillersOne of the fun new Christian genre is political thrillers. In the Reality Calling bookstore Russ Scalzo has a doozy. An FBI agent tasked with investigating supernatural events. Better yet, Russ makes it believable.

A frequent lecturer in Biblical Prophecy, Russ brings a lifetime of technical expertise to stories he believes may very well be the substance of tomorrow’s headlines. 

In the 1960’s and 70’s, Russ Scalzo was the front man for The Hallmarks, a band popular along the Jersey Shore, and scored a record contract with Mercury Records. After a life changing decision, he went from performing in bars to ministering in churches and touring the country with his band, Saved By Grace.

Russ currently resides on the Jersey Shore with his wife of 40+ years. He is a father of three and grandfather of four.

Reality Calling bookstore Russ Scalzo

The Hidden Thrones Series

Political Thriller, Spiritual Warfare

Russ Scalzo's Hidden Thrones Series
Amazon Links: Hidden Thrones • Open Warfare • Face to Face