Pull together, love each other Phil 2:1-3
Chapter Two; Verse 1–2
If there is any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship in the Spirit? Any brotherly love and compassion? Then complete my joy by being of one mind, one love, united in spirit, and focused on the same purpose.
If this is all real then pull together. Allow the Spirit of God to make you one in love, support, and purpose. This is Paul’s admonishment to work out Jesus’ statement in John 13 that the world will know we are Jesus’ disciples by our love.
Verse 2:3
Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better or more significant than yourselves.
And who said Christianity was easy? Maybe you have no trouble with this one. I do. It’s not that I do not agree that it is right and true. It’s just hard to step outside your flesh and care this much about others.
Of course, this is especially hard for a writer like myself. Why would I bother writing if I didn’t think I had something worthwhile to share? But the paradox is that I really have nothing to share unless my focus is on serving others. My prayer is that I be given the opportunity to write something that will help you, gentle reader. My reason cannot be to build myself up. It must be that maybe I can help those that matter understand something better—maybe I can ease their burden.
The great men and women of God put the health and welfare of the ones they serve above their own personal welfare or comfort. Mother Teresa is an obvious example. The problem, of course, is that people like this do not make the news. But do you want to make the news or be in the team helping Jesus in the Millennium? Do you want fame and power or a place in the new creation?
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