
The role of Messiah’s wife — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for the encouragement.
    I really wonder how far the marriage analogy will go when we are all finally there and married to Him. I’m looking forward to it.

    Here in the flesh, I suspect it only works if you are convinced your husband is the one the Lord picked out for you. Thankfully, with Jesus there is no doubt—only joy.

    I find it interesting that the Lord again has us as humans doing what is difficult for us in the flesh.

    Men have trouble with responsibility and selfless loving.
    Women have trouble with trusting and submitting.

    So, we must rely on the Lord to do it. It’s a wise plan.

  2. Love your study on submission. I did a similar study for my book for women. When you think of it as being yielding and arranging ourselves under, it really becomes a freeing position. We recognize our authority and obey him–in the sense of submission and support. I loved your application as the bride of Christ obeying Christ in this way. Excellent!

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