Discerning prophecy
One of the most egregious errors seen in speculative fiction is a misunderstanding of how prophecy works. I should probably write a how-to some day. But the article linked below is superb.
Don’t use a prophet unless you know what a prophet is
A prophet is one who cooperates with God allowing Him to use the prophet’s mouth, under the control of the Holy Spirit. When I have prophesied I was often only given the first couple of words, and the rest of the prophecy was news to me also.
In I Cor 14:26-33 we are given good instructions on how to run a church service. It includes verse 29, “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others pass judgment.” But I rarely see any attempt to discern in the church today.
When Believers Can’t Tell the Difference Between Prophets and Psychics
Beyond that is the problem of false prophets. But I haven’t time to go there this morning.