HomeAnnouncementsEarnestly desire spiritual gifts especially prophecy


Earnestly desire spiritual gifts especially prophecy — 5 Comments

  1. Hello David! Thanks for posting this! I love it!

    In addition, I add the following thought: The way I like to think of it is that the spiritual gifts of First Corinthians 12 and 14 need the motivator and the aim of 13–that is, that agape-love must be incorporated into the release/use of the Spirit Gifts.

    We’ve all met tongue-talking people and prophets who were heavy in the giftings but lightweights when it came to agape-love. I think I’d rather have someone truly love me. Without love, the gifts become hype or even manifestations of the flesh (or even worse). Love for the Lord first. Love for each other–those around us–in close second. Loving others beyond ourselves. And all of the love I just mentioned isn’t emotional/sentimental, but full of action.

    Hope you’re well, David!

    • I agree with you…but my main concern is the current reality of virtually no manifestation of supernatural gifts. Without agape they can get pretty harsh. However, without the gifts it’s usually pretty dead. Again it’s always the middle road and lots of prayer for anointing, wisdom, and guidance.

      • Amen… Fully agree! As they say, for most churches, the person least likely to show up is the Holy Spirit. And least welcome, too. May He find believers and fellowships where He is welcome!

  2. I remember studying 1 Corinthians 12:31 and realizing that chapter 13 was a description not just of love, but it was a description of how we are to desire the greater gifts — especially prophecy. Love is the motivation behind the desire for the gifts — to possess and, more importantly, to pour out into the Body of Christ. I Corinthians 14:1 is a command to desire prophecy so that we can use it in love to build up the Church.

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