HomeAuthorGod's CallConsider your writing call — please!


Consider your writing call — please! — 8 Comments

  1. I just opened up Scrivener today for the 1st time in 2-3 years.
    Now just gotta believe that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13
    And be not afraid of my own shadow. ..

  2. In this age of self publishing, it is pretty easy to put a story, even a short one up on Smashwords.com, etc.that has one of the characters sharing the Gospel. We don’t have to wait around for traditional publishers. So there is nothing really stopping us but ourselves.

    John 14:12
    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    • I agree. However, Smashwords doesn’t have nearly the reach of KDP. This is what I do on bergsland.org —- help authors get self-published professionally.

  3. I haven’t been writing fiction (although I want to) because it didn’t seem to be the right time. But then I started second-guessing myself. Was I procrastinating based on fear, or was it really God?

    I’m still thinking, praying, working it through, but I appreciate this post because it reminds me that it has to come back to God’s call in God’s timing. Not mine. And thinking that isn’t a cop-out but a statement of faith.

    Thank you!

  4. David, this was a tough post to read and trying to process it.

    Not only had I just watched “I Can Only Imagine”- the Bart Millard Story…which felt like a confirmation from The Spirit in itself but your blogpost is like the 2nd (recent) reminder I’ve received of an assignment I was given in regards to writing a couple years back.

    I used to be on Facebook (somehow I think I recall your name from a writer’s group year’s ago).

    Time to reconsider the call…and discern the directive. Abba Father give me your strength in my weakness and lead me.

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