HomeAuthorChristian MarketingChristian Book Marketing: Google’s tool is gone, what will I do?


Christian Book Marketing: Google’s tool is gone, what will I do? — 2 Comments

  1. David–

    Interesting and refreshing perspective.

    I agree with your take on writing, and you elucidate the idea clearly. You’re probably going against the tide of “religious” thinking, but you are definitely illuminating a truth that needs to be embraced by more “Christian” authors.

    In my humble opinion, there is way too much “fluff” in “Christian” fiction today, especially in light of the time we live in. Jesus didn’t come to make friends, or to save us from bad choices, politically incorrect thinking, our birth order, or any other such nonsense.

    He came to deliver us from the power of SIn–for eternity.

    In the process of interviewing with my secular NY agent he asked me what kind of stories I write. I told him I write stories that ignite imaginations and stir souls, with fascinating but flawed characters, intense action and adventure, and a Christian worldview. Guess that was a good enough answer for him–and he isn’t a Believer. He’s been in the business over 30 years and agents for some top name secular writers, but he also happens to agent for James Scott Bell. He looks for great stories, with excellent writing, and a powerful message. Interestingly, unlike so many others today–including secular readers, editors, agents, and publishers–even though he is not a Believer, he’s not offended by the Christian worldview. He wants something that captures his attention and moves him!

    Keep writing and publishing whatever God directs. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. The prophet Hosea wrote, “My people perish for lack of knowledge . . .” and in Proverbs, we learn that “without revelation the people perish (cast off restraint).” Lawlessness abounds today, and it’s getting worse, just as Scripture prophesied. We are the generation who will witness the coming of our Lord and, sadly, much of the Western Church is asleep and needs to be awakened. It’s long past time that the arts be fully redeemed for Christ. That means some of us are going to have to push back against “religion” and “religious attitudes” even as Jesus did. We will likely not be popular for doing so, we probably won’t win many awards, and we may not sell a large number of books in Christian or secular circles (we’re not really embraced by either camp), but if one life is transformed, if one lost soul is redeemed and reconciled to God, then we have a reward that will stand the test, not only of time, but of Eternity.

    I pray God opens doors for you that no man can close and that He continues to give you Wisdom, the Power of Holy Spirit, and Revelation knowledge through the Blood of Jesus and that the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    Michael J. Webb
    Jer. 1:12
    Jn. 14:21

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