Redemptive Fiction: Chronicles of Warfare by Melinda Michelle
Deborah Dunson believes the Redemptive Fiction: Chronicles of Warfare series should be given an award of excellence. Melinda Michelle has written a powerful work of Christian fiction in this seven book series—one book for each day of the week.
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But let’s give it in Deb’s words.
I would love to award Melinda Michelle the Award of Excellence for her seven-book series of Redemptive Fiction: Chronicles of Warfare. I don’t have a comprehensive review of all the books, because I have reviewed each one individually. I’m including the review of the current book Saturday Showdown. Here is my review:
Saturday Showdown is MAGNIFICENT!
It is very rare that I will attach a prayer to a review, I’ve only done that once before. But the Holy Ghost was all over this book.
The things that are discussed in this book will blow your mind. I love that this book exposes the fact that we can have a man running for office who is after God’s own heart, but even the so-called conservative will find fault with him or a find a way to slander his name. As I have always said, it has nothing to do with being a Democratic or Republican. But, that is only a little slice of heaven you get with this book. It has so many golden nuggets/life lessons that prompted me to pray in the early morning hours. And there were many moments when I wanted to cry. My favorite line in the book is, “It’s never about you, but the souls attached to the assignment”.
The award of excellence is for Redemptive Fiction: Chronicles of Warfare series
Saturday Showdown is a great example of what Christian fiction is supposed to be like for the reader. You should be ministered to and entertained. You should not walk away from the story and be the same as when you walked into it. Melinda Michelle, definitely shared what was on God’s heart and if you are brave enough to read this book you will see that His plan for your life is MAGNIFICENT!
I feel like these characters are my family and I’m going to miss them. This author has some of the best male characters that I have ever seen in a book and the females characters are just as good.
Finally, I pray for all who read this book that they will be blessed, that your spiritual eyes will be open, that you realize God’s ways are perfect and pure, that He is calling you out of darkness into greatness. I pray that Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah M’Kaddesh, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Tsidkenu and Jehovah Sabaoth will be your friend. In the wonderful name of Jesus, be blessed.
The book is actually a 10 star book, but I know we can only give it 5.
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