The reader beware world of Christian fiction today
It becomes more and more true that we live in a reader beware world today. I can’t remember the last time I read a traditionally published “Christian” book of speculative fiction, sicfi, or fantasy with much Truth in it.
Usually, they are like the book I just reviewed by Rachelle Dekker. I feel bad on one hand that I didn’t get a chance to read The Choosing. But on the other, I’m grateful I wasn’t in on the original temptation to believe this is a powerful bit of Christian writing.
As I mentioned in the review [or implied], it’s an evil, reader beware world she created—with just enough truth to be tempting, but it’s built on a lie. It’s a simple lie: God works on our behalf to save us without a Messiah or a personal relationship. Most wish that were true. BUT IT IS NOT TRUE!
Christians must see this reader beware world
Sadly, there is so little powerful, excellent Christian speculative fiction, science fiction, and fantasy that many are not even aware there’s a problem. I’m told all the time that it’s not much better in romance, mystery, thriller, and the rest of the so-called Christian fiction genre. This is why Reality Calling is compelled to sound the warning—this is our vision. The great commission is to make disciples of people in all nations. Altar calls, sinners’ prayers, religion, and the rest of Christianity today are normally missing the mark. Yes, I am aware that is the definition of sin. We all need to examine our hearts, and make sure there is “no wicked way in me”.
Christian authors, especially, need to produce Truth
I cannot say this often enough. As civilization draws to the conclusion which is The Return of the King to the throne in Jerusalem, we have a real opportunity, calling, and mission as we help in the final harvest before the millennium. The choices may be clear, but they are difficult.
We are not talking about preaching or Bible-thumping, but reality and truth. Your books cannot be based on spiritual lies, or you’ll answer for it when you meet jesus face-to-face. He’s not going to brow-beat you, or force you to writing worthwhile, uplifting fiction. But Jesus was and is clear: we are held accountable for the things we say and write. This is serious stuff we are involved in.
What are you doing about this?
Remember, without a dead then raised messiah it’s not Christian. I do not care how emotionally compelling your tale may be. Without a personal relationship between the character and his or her Lord it’s not edifying, as this is the core of the Truth of the Gospel.
Please take a deep look at God’s call on your life. It is between you and the Lord, for sure.