HomeAuthorChristian MarketingPre-release announcement: The Wife of Jesus


Pre-release announcement: The Wife of Jesus — 3 Comments

  1. Re: Book Review

    Dear David,
    Thank God for the Job this site is doing in spreading the good news and helping the up coming Christain Author. Would you permit me to ask you to do something for me? My book is on
    Amazon Kinde titled “The Battle of Identity” see the link below: The
    book helps to prepared people to walk the path of righteousness and
    obedience to recover the lost glory and honour.

    You can download for free reading on your kindle App. If you be
    willing to read and provide a customer review on Amazon for me. I’d
    greatly appreciate it – Customer review is an added advantage for
    success on Amazon. Also if you like the book and would be willing to
    share my request with your network that would be wonderul.

    Amazon looking for reviews from those who have purchased books, the
    book is listed on Amazon as lowest orice at $2.92 .
    The link belowe will give a guideline with Amazon review.

    https;/Amazon.com/dp/B018MZDYN4/The Battle of Identity

    Thank you for honouring the request. Have a great day!

    Emmanuel O. Afolabi

  2. Re: Book Review

    Dear David,
    Thank God for the Jod this site is doing in spreading the good news and helping the up coming Christain Author. Would you permit me to ask you to do something for me? My book is on
    Amazon Kinde titled “The Battle of Identity” see the link below: The
    book helps to prepared people to walk the path of righteousness and
    obedience to recover the lost glory and honour.

    You can download for free reading on your kindle App. If you be
    willing to read and provide a customer review on Amazon for me. I’d
    greatly appreciate it – Customer review is an added advantage for
    success on Amazon. Also if you like the book and would be willing to
    share my request with your network that would be wonderul.

    Amazon looking for reviews from those who have purchased books, the
    book is listed on Amazon as lowest orice at $2.92 .
    The link belowe will give a guideline with Amazon review.

    https;/Amazon.com/dp/B018MZDYN4/The Battle of Identity

    Thank you for honouring the request. Have a great day!

    Emmanuel O. Afolabi

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