Immersed under His power to become a holy one
What the Lord has been showing me this morning is that we are to be immersed under His power. Jesus didn’t give me something to do, but someone to become. I needed to be made into the proper brick for the temple of God—the Bride of the Messiah. This is what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is truly about.
Immersed to become…fitted into my proper place in the Body. Empowered to become who I really am. Doing the work He has given me to do. But the becoming must come first, or your soul and flesh will bring…?
Immersed under His power
This is the key to our lives as we become who He designed us to be. We weren’t born to do great things, but to become a holy one, a saint. Our life on this earth is measured by how much we allow Him to transform us, by the renewing of our minds in that living sacrifice to which we are called. Let’s read a quote from John Follette:
“Ye shall become,”—not DO! I believe in works—absolutely. But I want it in its order in God, in the Spirit. He doesn’t say a thing we are going to do. He says something that we are becoming; something that we will become. Why? Under the dynamic of this Spirit; He will immerse us under its power. He will not destroy our individuality or our personality concept and fundament of being; He will not do that. He wants every kind, every one of us, but it shall be an immersion—you go out of sight! You go out of sight! You are not sprinkled. From Golden Grain by John Wright Follette
John starts with Jesus’ instruction to us just before He ascended, “You shall become my witnesses.” He did not say, “you shall build a huge organization to spread the Gospel.” He did not say I am to write a great novel to make me rich and entertain the world. He did not tell me to multiply and build a dynasty. Those things may come, but after I become.
I am to become like Him, immersed in His power, becoming who He made me to be. Everything follows that basic Truth. From that flows my writing, my sharing, and my calling.
First things first, become then do
Immersed under His power I can then write in the anointing, with power to change my readers, to make my writing worth reading… only in Him.