The survival skill of unceasing prayer
The endtimes survival skill of unceasing prayer has become essential these days. As the birth pangs become more intense, it has become common knowledge that we rarely hear news anymore—even from so-called Christian resources. I posted a major statement on Tuesday [10/19/2021] about yet another problem within the believing church. I pray you have gotten the spiritual guidance you need from the Holy Spirit in these trying days. That is a precisely accurate phrase — in these trying days.
The largest lack in current teachings within the Bride concerns the reality of intimacy with Yeshua. I heard another passionate sermon about the need for prayer recently. As usual, all the good advice ignored the truth of what Paul told us in I Thessalonians 5: 17. It’s three short words, but they are the core of living in intimacy with our Messiah.
Pray without ceasing.
This short statement few understand. The root experience is seen in statements like, “She’s always on her phone.” Living like this should be a normal part of our marriages — but it rarely is. The idea is that all day, every day, you are aware of the Lord’s presence in your life. Everything you say or do is brought into your continuous conversation with Jesus via the Holy Spirit.
As an example, I just leaned back, took a sip of coffee, and asked if what I was writing met with His approval. He told me that I am doing fine. I constantly reply upon that direct level of communication. I don’t have a set time of prayer. I have made it my goal to be available to Yeshua and the Holy Spirit at all times.
The endtimes survival skill of unceasing prayer needs your serious attention
It begins by asking the Lord about everything you do. The church commonly ridicules this with statements like — “It’s foolish to ask the Lord what to eat for breakfast.” That type of statement merely shows you don’t get it.
Asking the Lord about all the little things gets you into the habit of conversing with him all the time. I’ve written many times about learning to hear the Lord. I’ve found to be a central skill of coming to know Jesus. John told us specifically how to test spirits in I John 4: 1-6. When you think the Lord has answered your question or spoken to you, test the thought you just had [the voice speaking in your mind]. Ask it [out loud] if it confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. You will learn to discern whether thoughts come from yourself, the enemy, or the Lord. The enemy will brusquely say, No! The Lord will say, “Yes,” quietly and lovingly. If you hear nothing, that thought came from your own wacked out mind — at best.
Another thing the church hasn’t told you. Jesus loves getting involved in your constant questions. I remember apologizing to Him one day about taking up so much of his time with my continuous chatter. He responded clearly, “Come on, David, I run the entire universe. Our conversation is simply a joy to me.” It made me laugh — as I commonly do in our conversations.
The Lord has made it clear to me that this level of communication is what he hopes for. Remember your conversations with your grandchild once he or she got to the place of asking “Why?” about everything. Evidently Jesus loves us so much that He doesn’t find us to be pesky. You can ask Him anything, constantly, and you will learn amazing things. He’ll even tell you if what you just heard was the truth. Just ask the Lord, in Jesus’ name. It’s called praying without ceasing.