A call for Christian authors to get involved with the final harvest using powerful fictionThe vision is to provide resources to those seeking life by focusing on God’s call, the reality of a conversational relationship with Jesus, and the joys of living that way. It’s also to help people realize that the core of life on earth is knowing Jesus in the context of marriage. Another focus is on following Yeshua’s call to help with the Final Harvest by producing powerful Christian fiction as talked about in the free book linked to the cover image to the left. The Last Days are upon us. We are well into the birth pangs of the entrance of our Messiah’s Kingship on Earth.

Technical support and mentoring for Christian self-publishers are found in our companion site: The Skilled Workman.

Those seeking life in apostate churches need our prayers and help!

The sad truth is that nominal believers in the dead churches may have never heard the Gospel. Their church almost certainly does not believe in spiritual rebirth, the baptism of the Spirit, or the need to learn how to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. It is probable that they even have doctrinal barriers to any of these requirements for salvation.

By the baptism of the Spirit, I am not talking about Pentecostalism or Charismatic faith. I’m talking about the person simply asking the Lord to give them the Holy Spirit in a way that enables them to hear and get help in learning what is contained in the scriptures. The Lord loves you. He will not force you to fall on the floor, foaming at the mouth, and screaming nonsense words. You can trust Jesus. He will give you what you need, in a way you can accept. He not only loves you. He knows what you can accept when you turn to Him. The Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift of joy.

So, welcome! I hope you enjoy the ride!

Here are some recent posts                                                                      



Welcome to those seeking life — 7 Comments

    • Revelation is certainly not dark. It is the most exciting preview of what is coming in the near future. My anticipation level is really high, at this point. We’re in the midst of the birth pangs. Alleluia!

  1. Hi David, I hope all is well with you. Just wanted to let you know that the sequel to Talon’s Test and the Shield of Faith is finally ready. I’ve had a lot of delays in the publication process due to my daughter’s ongoing medical challenges. But Book 2 Talon’s Truth and the Sword of the Spirit is finally complete and available for pre-order. Please let me know if you want a free advance review copy. I know you won’t be wild about the decision to quote scripture from existing versions of the Bible instead of creating new translations but after much prayer and reflection I felt God was leading me to stick with direct quotes so that readers, especially non-believers, could easily Google verses they found inspiring. Anyway, thanks for all you do for our community and this genre. Have a blessed day!

  2. Hi I’m Stuart f Griffin, Mr Bergsland you reviewed my book Northbound thru Bookcrush the sequel is out on Amazon its titled The Territory. I would like bookcrush to also review The Territory for me. Would it be possible for you to make a contact with bookish or email me the info I will need for the next review. My email is northboundthebook@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and may the Lord bless you. Stuart f Griffin.